President Obama is right. We've reached a crucial point in our economic recovery where strengthening the middle-class with continued job creation and skills training is paramount. It may be an election year, but we still have a responsibility to work through our differences to put our economy on solid ground.
As the President made clear tonight, we must invest in our most precious resource – the American people. We need to strengthen our schools, put a college education in reach for more Americans, and ensure that the innovative spirit of America’s entrepreneurs has the opportunity to flourish and drive our economy forward. to the newly appointed 2012 Zia Regional Rodeo's Rodeo Director... Damon Sanchez

Happy Birthday to NMGRA's 2012 President... Bruce Skidmore!!!!

Sen. Udall's reaction to the SOTU: "Tonight, President Obama struck the right themes in his State of the Union address. We've reached a crucial point in our economic recovery where strengthening the middle-class with continued job creation and skills training is paramount. So too is providing the proper incentives to continue generating manufacturing and homegrown, renewable energy jobs where states like New Mexico are already capitalizing. The president also emphasized the need to level the playing field for middle-class and low-income taxpayers. Today, millionaires and billionaires usually pay a lower tax rate than middle-class families who are struggling to pay the bills. The only way our nation will continue down the road of economic recovery is by investing in our middle-class families and giving them the opportunity to succeed again. It may be an election year, but we still have a responsibility to work through our differences to put our economy on solid ground." shared a link. By Heath Haussamen • News • Not surprisingly, responses from New Mexico officials and politicos to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address were divided along partisan lines.
My staff will be holding mobile office hours this Thursday. Visit my website for all the details about where they will be. During Mobile Office Hours, staff is available to residents who need assistance with casework, but may not have the means or time to travel to one of Luján’s district offices. Staff will be on hand to assist residents who have questions regarding Social Security benefits, immigration applications, ...
Governor Johnson's Reaction to the SOTU:
“If the idea tonight was that the President would fulfill his constitutional duty to give us ‘information of the State of the Union’, we should be able to expect some truth. I didn’t hear much truth. Truth is that the real unemployment rate is probably still above 10%. Truth is that after all the hand-wringing and deals of the past couple of years, instead of cutting spending, the President and Congress are going back to the well for another $1.2 Trillion debt limit increase. And the truth is we are seeing nothing from either the President or the Republicans that will really change any of those unacceptable realities.
“Only in the twilight zone that is Washington could a President who has bailed out and stimulated our economy to death stand in the Capitol and declare there should be ‘no bailouts, no handouts, and no cop-outs’. Can anyone spell GM or TARP or Solyndra?
“The President said we deserve a government that plays by the same rules as millions of hard-working Americans. Perhaps that should begin with the government not borrowing and printing 43 cents of every dollar it spends – something hard-working Americans can’t and don’t do.
“Until we see a real plan – not a Washington smoke and mirrors plan – that puts a stop to deficit spending and really puts America back to work, all of this rhetoric is just wasted breath.” 
www.KOB.comSlevin was arrested in August of 2005 for a DWI then tossed in jail and completely forgotten about for two years.
Action 7 News Reporter Will Carr was there when almost 400 protestors rallied around the Capitol this morning to protest the Governor's push to repeal the law that allows illegal immigrants to get drivers licenses. We'll have the story on Action 7 News at 6. What do you think about the issue?

www.KOB.comAn Albuquerque woman collapsed near a bus stop at San Pedro and Menaul NE last Friday. She had just finished from the bank and had a check for $6,000 and $2,000 in cash to pay her rent.
Congressman Ben Ray Lujan's reaction to #SOTU
“Tonight, President Obama outlined a plan forward that will help lay the foundation for a stronger tomorrow and an America that is built to last. His agenda recognizes the struggles the people in New Mexico continue to endure and the need for job creation right now, while investing in areas that will create long-term economic growth to ensure that the United States truly remains the land of opportunity.
“As the President made clear, we must invest in our most precious resource – the American people. We need to strengthen our schools, put a college education in reach for more Americans, and ensure that the innovative spirit of America’s entrepreneurs has the opportunity to flourish and drive our economy forward.
“Restoring our manufacturing sector, investing in American energy, and unleashing new innovations are essential to creating good jobs in our communities. The President’s emphasis on incentivizing high-tech manufactures to build it here at home, cracking down on unfair trade practices, and making it easier for a start-up to develop that next big idea will spur economic growth in New Mexico. With our national labs and universities, we are positioned to be a leader in the effort to grow new businesses that will Make It in New Mexico.
“Over the past few years, the people of New Mexico have paid the price for an economy that for too long was not focused on Main Street, working people, and the values of middle-class Americans. Tonight President Obama reaffirmed our commitment to the enduring American value that hard work and playing by the rules will open the doors of opportunity for all. Working together, I know that we can restore this principle that provides strength for all those seeking their piece of the American Dream.”
GOP NM Chair Monty Newman's reaction to #SOTU:
“It is abundantly clear that President Obama has given up on governing and used the State of the Union to stage a campaign stump speech. The President showed no interest in using the State of the Union as a forum to put forth ideas that will get our nation on a path to prosperity. We’ve heard his glittering generalities and hollow rhetoric before. It is clear that Barack Obama’s team in Chicago is worried about the continual rejection of his broken promises and failed economic policies.
“This president has a record of failed policies and broken promises, which is why you listened to another speech with flowery metaphors, recycled rhetoric, and a doubling down on failed economic policies. Currently, 13.1 million Americans are unemployed and a record 46.2 million Americans are on food stamps. Our national debt and deficits have grown at an alarming rate, exceeding that of every president before him. The Obama economy has burdened hard working families and increased healthcare costs, adding to the ranks of the uninsured. The nation’s unemployment rate has stayed above 8 percent for 35 straight months. No matter how you dice the numbers, President Obama has failed the American people.
“The President’s administration has been completely ineffective and unable to turn our economy around. Fortunately for America, day after day, voters are beginning to realize that Barack Obama is wrong for our nation and they are ready to make him a one term president.” shared a link. By Gwyneth Doland • News • Dozens of teen mothers and fathers gathered at the state capitol on Tuesday to encourage lawmakers to help improve graduation rates for pregnant and parenting teens. According to nationwide statistics, only 38 percent of teen moms graduate high school
www.KOB.comShe said the callers tell her she owes thousands of dollars on a payday loan she never even took out. They have even told her the police will come and arrest her if she does not pay now.
www.KOB.comDemocratic consultant and CNN commentator Donna Brazile is coming to the University of New Mexico to kick off the school's Black History Month.
Santa Fe ReporterPleasure as the profound and foremost purpose of art I began building a list of places to buy inexpensive, original artworks.Published: 25 January 2012, 8:05 amMore stories: Read more stories Custom tabs: View example tabs Subscribe: Subscribe to stories from this PageBecome a fan: Visit Fan Page
www.KOB.comEach state lawmaker this year is receiving a free golf pass that allows each holder to play one round at each of five golf courses around the state.
www.KOB.comA group of northern New Mexico ranchers is reaching out to the White House over the alleged mistreatment of Hispanics by the U.S. Forest Service.
: )
grist.orgThose who live in the desert borderlands of southern New Mexico face plenty of serious struggles. Water is limited, living wages are scarce, and many live in unincorporated communities called colonias, which often lack basic infrastructure like roads and gas lines.
www.KOB.comThe owner of the Guild theatre is appealing the City of Albuquerque's 2008 fine for showing one adult film during the festival.
www.KOB.comThere may be fewer days to enjoy the fast rides and fattening foods at the 2012 New Mexico State Fair.
So many cool things going on at Bookworks Albuquerque, one of the city's last remaining local, independent bookstores. If you haven't had a chance to check them out, head on over tonight at 7 to meet the store owners at the Store Owner Roundtable. Busy tonight? Consider heading to one of their writing workshops or catching an author visit. It's a great place to go if you want to find that perfect book to cuddle up to.
Santa Fe Reporter - Blogs Many gathered this morning to rally in protest of Gov. Susana Martinez' third attempt to repeal the law that allows undocumented immigrants to receive driver's licenses. Click here for the video.Video shot by R. Harrison Dilday. Published: 23 January 2012, 11:00 pmMore stories: Read more stories Custom tabs: View example tabs Subscribe: Subscribe to stories from this PageBecome a fan: Visit Fan Page shared a link.
By Heath Haussamen • News • Not surprisingly, responses from New Mexico officials and politicos to President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address were divided along partisan lines.
My staff will be holding mobile office hours this Thursday. Visit my website for all the details about where they will be.
During Mobile Office Hours, staff is available to residents who need assistance with casework, but may not have the means or time to travel to one of Luján’s district offices. Staff will be on hand to assist residents who have questions regarding Social Security benefits, immigration applications, ...
Governor Johnson's Reaction to the SOTU:
“If the idea tonight was that the President would fulfill his constitutional duty to give us ‘information of the State of the Union’, we should be able to expect some truth. I didn’t hear much truth. Truth is that the real unemployment rate is probably still above 10%. Truth is that after all the hand-wringing and deals of the past couple of years, instead of cutting spending, the President and Congress are going back to the well for another $1.2 Trillion debt limit increase. And the truth is we are seeing nothing from either the President or the Republicans that will really change any of those unacceptable realities.
“Only in the twilight zone that is Washington could a President who has bailed out and stimulated our economy to death stand in the Capitol and declare there should be ‘no bailouts, no handouts, and no cop-outs’. Can anyone spell GM or TARP or Solyndra?
“The President said we deserve a government that plays by the same rules as millions of hard-working Americans. Perhaps that should begin with the government not borrowing and printing 43 cents of every dollar it spends – something hard-working Americans can’t and don’t do.
“Until we see a real plan – not a Washington smoke and mirrors plan – that puts a stop to deficit spending and really puts America back to work, all of this rhetoric is just wasted breath.” 
www.KOB.comSlevin was arrested in August of 2005 for a DWI then tossed in jail and completely forgotten about for two years.
Action 7 News Reporter Will Carr was there when almost 400 protestors rallied around the Capitol this morning to protest the Governor's push to repeal the law that allows illegal immigrants to get drivers licenses. We'll have the story on Action 7 News at 6. What do you think about the issue?

www.KOB.comAn Albuquerque woman collapsed near a bus stop at San Pedro and Menaul NE last Friday. She had just finished from the bank and had a check for $6,000 and $2,000 in cash to pay her rent.
Congressman Ben Ray Lujan's reaction to #SOTU
“Tonight, President Obama outlined a plan forward that will help lay the foundation for a stronger tomorrow and an America that is built to last. His agenda recognizes the struggles the people in New Mexico continue to endure and the need for job creation right now, while investing in areas that will create long-term economic growth to ensure that the United States truly remains the land of opportunity.
“As the President made clear, we must invest in our most precious resource – the American people. We need to strengthen our schools, put a college education in reach for more Americans, and ensure that the innovative spirit of America’s entrepreneurs has the opportunity to flourish and drive our economy forward.
“Restoring our manufacturing sector, investing in American energy, and unleashing new innovations are essential to creating good jobs in our communities. The President’s emphasis on incentivizing high-tech manufactures to build it here at home, cracking down on unfair trade practices, and making it easier for a start-up to develop that next big idea will spur economic growth in New Mexico. With our national labs and universities, we are positioned to be a leader in the effort to grow new businesses that will Make It in New Mexico.
“Over the past few years, the people of New Mexico have paid the price for an economy that for too long was not focused on Main Street, working people, and the values of middle-class Americans. Tonight President Obama reaffirmed our commitment to the enduring American value that hard work and playing by the rules will open the doors of opportunity for all. Working together, I know that we can restore this principle that provides strength for all those seeking their piece of the American Dream.”
GOP NM Chair Monty Newman's reaction to #SOTU:
“It is abundantly clear that President Obama has given up on governing and used the State of the Union to stage a campaign stump speech. The President showed no interest in using the State of the Union as a forum to put forth ideas that will get our nation on a path to prosperity. We’ve heard his glittering generalities and hollow rhetoric before. It is clear that Barack Obama’s team in Chicago is worried about the continual rejection of his broken promises and failed economic policies.
“This president has a record of failed policies and broken promises, which is why you listened to another speech with flowery metaphors, recycled rhetoric, and a doubling down on failed economic policies. Currently, 13.1 million Americans are unemployed and a record 46.2 million Americans are on food stamps. Our national debt and deficits have grown at an alarming rate, exceeding that of every president before him. The Obama economy has burdened hard working families and increased healthcare costs, adding to the ranks of the uninsured. The nation’s unemployment rate has stayed above 8 percent for 35 straight months. No matter how you dice the numbers, President Obama has failed the American people.
“The President’s administration has been completely ineffective and unable to turn our economy around. Fortunately for America, day after day, voters are beginning to realize that Barack Obama is wrong for our nation and they are ready to make him a one term president.” shared a link. By Gwyneth Doland • News • Dozens of teen mothers and fathers gathered at the state capitol on Tuesday to encourage lawmakers to help improve graduation rates for pregnant and parenting teens. According to nationwide statistics, only 38 percent of teen moms graduate high school
www.KOB.comShe said the callers tell her she owes thousands of dollars on a payday loan she never even took out. They have even told her the police will come and arrest her if she does not pay now.
www.KOB.comDemocratic consultant and CNN commentator Donna Brazile is coming to the University of New Mexico to kick off the school's Black History Month.
Santa Fe ReporterPleasure as the profound and foremost purpose of art I began building a list of places to buy inexpensive, original artworks.Published: 25 January 2012, 8:05 amMore stories: Read more stories Custom tabs: View example tabs Subscribe: Subscribe to stories from this PageBecome a fan: Visit Fan Page
www.KOB.comEach state lawmaker this year is receiving a free golf pass that allows each holder to play one round at each of five golf courses around the state.
www.KOB.comA group of northern New Mexico ranchers is reaching out to the White House over the alleged mistreatment of Hispanics by the U.S. Forest Service.
: )
grist.orgThose who live in the desert borderlands of southern New Mexico face plenty of serious struggles. Water is limited, living wages are scarce, and many live in unincorporated communities called colonias, which often lack basic infrastructure like roads and gas lines.
www.KOB.comThe owner of the Guild theatre is appealing the City of Albuquerque's 2008 fine for showing one adult film during the festival.
www.KOB.comThere may be fewer days to enjoy the fast rides and fattening foods at the 2012 New Mexico State Fair.
So many cool things going on at Bookworks Albuquerque, one of the city's last remaining local, independent bookstores. If you haven't had a chance to check them out, head on over tonight at 7 to meet the store owners at the Store Owner Roundtable. Busy tonight? Consider heading to one of their writing workshops or catching an author visit. It's a great place to go if you want to find that perfect book to cuddle up to.
Santa Fe Reporter - Blogs Many gathered this morning to rally in protest of Gov. Susana Martinez' third attempt to repeal the law that allows undocumented immigrants to receive driver's licenses. Click here for the video.Video shot by R. Harrison Dilday. Published: 23 January 2012, 11:00 pmMore stories: Read more stories Custom tabs: View example tabs Subscribe: Subscribe to stories from this PageBecome a fan: Visit Fan Page
“If the idea tonight was that the President would fulfill his constitutional duty to give us ‘information of the State of the Union’, we should be able to expect some truth. I didn’t hear much truth. Truth is that the real unemployment rate is probably still above 10%. Truth is that after all the hand-wringing and deals of the past couple of years, instead of cutting spending, the President and Congress are going back to the well for another $1.2 Trillion debt limit increase. And the truth is we are seeing nothing from either the President or the Republicans that will really change any of those unacceptable realities.
“Only in the twilight zone that is Washington could a President who has bailed out and stimulated our economy to death stand in the Capitol and declare there should be ‘no bailouts, no handouts, and no cop-outs’. Can anyone spell GM or TARP or Solyndra?
“The President said we deserve a government that plays by the same rules as millions of hard-working Americans. Perhaps that should begin with the government not borrowing and printing 43 cents of every dollar it spends – something hard-working Americans can’t and don’t do.
“Until we see a real plan – not a Washington smoke and mirrors plan – that puts a stop to deficit spending and really puts America back to work, all of this rhetoric is just wasted breath.”

Slevin was arrested in August of 2005 for a DWI then tossed in jail and completely forgotten about for two years.
Action 7 News Reporter Will Carr was there when almost 400 protestors rallied around the Capitol this morning to protest the Governor's push to repeal the law that allows illegal immigrants to get drivers licenses. We'll have the story on Action 7 News at 6. What do you think about the issue?
An Albuquerque woman collapsed near a bus stop at San Pedro and Menaul NE last Friday. She had just finished from the bank and had a check for $6,000 and $2,000 in cash to pay her rent.
Congressman Ben Ray Lujan's reaction to #SOTU
“Tonight, President Obama outlined a plan forward that will help lay the foundation for a stronger tomorrow and an America that is built to last. His agenda recognizes the struggles the people in New Mexico continue to endure and the need for job creation right now, while investing in areas that will create long-term economic growth to ensure that the United States truly remains the land of opportunity.
“As the President made clear, we must invest in our most precious resource – the American people. We need to strengthen our schools, put a college education in reach for more Americans, and ensure that the innovative spirit of America’s entrepreneurs has the opportunity to flourish and drive our economy forward.
“Restoring our manufacturing sector, investing in American energy, and unleashing new innovations are essential to creating good jobs in our communities. The President’s emphasis on incentivizing high-tech manufactures to build it here at home, cracking down on unfair trade practices, and making it easier for a start-up to develop that next big idea will spur economic growth in New Mexico. With our national labs and universities, we are positioned to be a leader in the effort to grow new businesses that will Make It in New Mexico.
“Over the past few years, the people of New Mexico have paid the price for an economy that for too long was not focused on Main Street, working people, and the values of middle-class Americans. Tonight President Obama reaffirmed our commitment to the enduring American value that hard work and playing by the rules will open the doors of opportunity for all. Working together, I know that we can restore this principle that provides strength for all those seeking their piece of the American Dream.”
GOP NM Chair Monty Newman's reaction to #SOTU:
“It is abundantly clear that President Obama has given up on governing and used the State of the Union to stage a campaign stump speech. The President showed no interest in using the State of the Union as a forum to put forth ideas that will get our nation on a path to prosperity. We’ve heard his glittering generalities and hollow rhetoric before. It is clear that Barack Obama’s team in Chicago is worried about the continual rejection of his broken promises and failed economic policies.
“This president has a record of failed policies and broken promises, which is why you listened to another speech with flowery metaphors, recycled rhetoric, and a doubling down on failed economic policies. Currently, 13.1 million Americans are unemployed and a record 46.2 million Americans are on food stamps. Our national debt and deficits have grown at an alarming rate, exceeding that of every president before him. The Obama economy has burdened hard working families and increased healthcare costs, adding to the ranks of the uninsured. The nation’s unemployment rate has stayed above 8 percent for 35 straight months. No matter how you dice the numbers, President Obama has failed the American people.
“The President’s administration has been completely ineffective and unable to turn our economy around. Fortunately for America, day after day, voters are beginning to realize that Barack Obama is wrong for our nation and they are ready to make him a one term president.” shared a link. By Gwyneth Doland • News • Dozens of teen mothers and fathers gathered at the state capitol on Tuesday to encourage lawmakers to help improve graduation rates for pregnant and parenting teens. According to nationwide statistics, only 38 percent of teen moms graduate high school
www.KOB.comShe said the callers tell her she owes thousands of dollars on a payday loan she never even took out. They have even told her the police will come and arrest her if she does not pay now.
www.KOB.comDemocratic consultant and CNN commentator Donna Brazile is coming to the University of New Mexico to kick off the school's Black History Month.
Santa Fe ReporterPleasure as the profound and foremost purpose of art I began building a list of places to buy inexpensive, original artworks.Published: 25 January 2012, 8:05 amMore stories: Read more stories Custom tabs: View example tabs Subscribe: Subscribe to stories from this PageBecome a fan: Visit Fan Page
www.KOB.comEach state lawmaker this year is receiving a free golf pass that allows each holder to play one round at each of five golf courses around the state.
www.KOB.comA group of northern New Mexico ranchers is reaching out to the White House over the alleged mistreatment of Hispanics by the U.S. Forest Service.
: )
grist.orgThose who live in the desert borderlands of southern New Mexico face plenty of serious struggles. Water is limited, living wages are scarce, and many live in unincorporated communities called colonias, which often lack basic infrastructure like roads and gas lines.
www.KOB.comThe owner of the Guild theatre is appealing the City of Albuquerque's 2008 fine for showing one adult film during the festival.
www.KOB.comThere may be fewer days to enjoy the fast rides and fattening foods at the 2012 New Mexico State Fair.
So many cool things going on at Bookworks Albuquerque, one of the city's last remaining local, independent bookstores. If you haven't had a chance to check them out, head on over tonight at 7 to meet the store owners at the Store Owner Roundtable. Busy tonight? Consider heading to one of their writing workshops or catching an author visit. It's a great place to go if you want to find that perfect book to cuddle up to.
Santa Fe Reporter - Blogs Many gathered this morning to rally in protest of Gov. Susana Martinez' third attempt to repeal the law that allows undocumented immigrants to receive driver's licenses. Click here for the video.Video shot by R. Harrison Dilday. Published: 23 January 2012, 11:00 pmMore stories: Read more stories Custom tabs: View example tabs Subscribe: Subscribe to stories from this PageBecome a fan: Visit Fan Page
“Tonight, President Obama outlined a plan forward that will help lay the foundation for a stronger tomorrow and an America that is built to last. His agenda recognizes the struggles the people in New Mexico continue to endure and the need for job creation right now, while investing in areas that will create long-term economic growth to ensure that the United States truly remains the land of opportunity.
“As the President made clear, we must invest in our most precious resource – the American people. We need to strengthen our schools, put a college education in reach for more Americans, and ensure that the innovative spirit of America’s entrepreneurs has the opportunity to flourish and drive our economy forward.
“Restoring our manufacturing sector, investing in American energy, and unleashing new innovations are essential to creating good jobs in our communities. The President’s emphasis on incentivizing high-tech manufactures to build it here at home, cracking down on unfair trade practices, and making it easier for a start-up to develop that next big idea will spur economic growth in New Mexico. With our national labs and universities, we are positioned to be a leader in the effort to grow new businesses that will Make It in New Mexico.
“Over the past few years, the people of New Mexico have paid the price for an economy that for too long was not focused on Main Street, working people, and the values of middle-class Americans. Tonight President Obama reaffirmed our commitment to the enduring American value that hard work and playing by the rules will open the doors of opportunity for all. Working together, I know that we can restore this principle that provides strength for all those seeking their piece of the American Dream.”
GOP NM Chair Monty Newman's reaction to #SOTU:
“It is abundantly clear that President Obama has given up on governing and used the State of the Union to stage a campaign stump speech. The President showed no interest in using the State of the Union as a forum to put forth ideas that will get our nation on a path to prosperity. We’ve heard his glittering generalities and hollow rhetoric before. It is clear that Barack Obama’s team in Chicago is worried about the continual rejection of his broken promises and failed economic policies.
“This president has a record of failed policies and broken promises, which is why you listened to another speech with flowery metaphors, recycled rhetoric, and a doubling down on failed economic policies. Currently, 13.1 million Americans are unemployed and a record 46.2 million Americans are on food stamps. Our national debt and deficits have grown at an alarming rate, exceeding that of every president before him. The Obama economy has burdened hard working families and increased healthcare costs, adding to the ranks of the uninsured. The nation’s unemployment rate has stayed above 8 percent for 35 straight months. No matter how you dice the numbers, President Obama has failed the American people.
“The President’s administration has been completely ineffective and unable to turn our economy around. Fortunately for America, day after day, voters are beginning to realize that Barack Obama is wrong for our nation and they are ready to make him a one term president.” shared a link. By Gwyneth Doland • News • Dozens of teen mothers and fathers gathered at the state capitol on Tuesday to encourage lawmakers to help improve graduation rates for pregnant and parenting teens. According to nationwide statistics, only 38 percent of teen moms graduate high school
www.KOB.comShe said the callers tell her she owes thousands of dollars on a payday loan she never even took out. They have even told her the police will come and arrest her if she does not pay now.
www.KOB.comDemocratic consultant and CNN commentator Donna Brazile is coming to the University of New Mexico to kick off the school's Black History Month.
Santa Fe ReporterPleasure as the profound and foremost purpose of art I began building a list of places to buy inexpensive, original artworks.Published: 25 January 2012, 8:05 amMore stories: Read more stories Custom tabs: View example tabs Subscribe: Subscribe to stories from this PageBecome a fan: Visit Fan Page
www.KOB.comEach state lawmaker this year is receiving a free golf pass that allows each holder to play one round at each of five golf courses around the state.
www.KOB.comA group of northern New Mexico ranchers is reaching out to the White House over the alleged mistreatment of Hispanics by the U.S. Forest Service.
: )
grist.orgThose who live in the desert borderlands of southern New Mexico face plenty of serious struggles. Water is limited, living wages are scarce, and many live in unincorporated communities called colonias, which often lack basic infrastructure like roads and gas lines.
www.KOB.comThe owner of the Guild theatre is appealing the City of Albuquerque's 2008 fine for showing one adult film during the festival.
www.KOB.comThere may be fewer days to enjoy the fast rides and fattening foods at the 2012 New Mexico State Fair.
So many cool things going on at Bookworks Albuquerque, one of the city's last remaining local, independent bookstores. If you haven't had a chance to check them out, head on over tonight at 7 to meet the store owners at the Store Owner Roundtable. Busy tonight? Consider heading to one of their writing workshops or catching an author visit. It's a great place to go if you want to find that perfect book to cuddle up to.
Santa Fe Reporter - Blogs Many gathered this morning to rally in protest of Gov. Susana Martinez' third attempt to repeal the law that allows undocumented immigrants to receive driver's licenses. Click here for the video.Video shot by R. Harrison Dilday. Published: 23 January 2012, 11:00 pmMore stories: Read more stories Custom tabs: View example tabs Subscribe: Subscribe to stories from this PageBecome a fan: Visit Fan Page
“It is abundantly clear that President Obama has given up on governing and used the State of the Union to stage a campaign stump speech. The President showed no interest in using the State of the Union as a forum to put forth ideas that will get our nation on a path to prosperity. We’ve heard his glittering generalities and hollow rhetoric before. It is clear that Barack Obama’s team in Chicago is worried about the continual rejection of his broken promises and failed economic policies.
“This president has a record of failed policies and broken promises, which is why you listened to another speech with flowery metaphors, recycled rhetoric, and a doubling down on failed economic policies. Currently, 13.1 million Americans are unemployed and a record 46.2 million Americans are on food stamps. Our national debt and deficits have grown at an alarming rate, exceeding that of every president before him. The Obama economy has burdened hard working families and increased healthcare costs, adding to the ranks of the uninsured. The nation’s unemployment rate has stayed above 8 percent for 35 straight months. No matter how you dice the numbers, President Obama has failed the American people.
“The President’s administration has been completely ineffective and unable to turn our economy around. Fortunately for America, day after day, voters are beginning to realize that Barack Obama is wrong for our nation and they are ready to make him a one term president.” shared a link.
She said the callers tell her she owes thousands of dollars on a payday loan she never even took out. They have even told her the police will come and arrest her if she does not pay now.

Democratic consultant and CNN commentator Donna Brazile is coming to the University of New Mexico to kick off the school's Black History Month.

Santa Fe Reporter
Pleasure as the profound and foremost purpose of art I began building a list of places to buy inexpensive, original artworks.
Published: 25 January 2012, 8:05 am
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Become a fan: Visit Fan Page
Each state lawmaker this year is receiving a free golf pass that allows each holder to play one round at each of five golf courses around the state.
grist.orgThose who live in the desert borderlands of southern New Mexico face plenty of serious struggles. Water is limited, living wages are scarce, and many live in unincorporated communities called colonias, which often lack basic infrastructure like roads and gas lines.

A group of northern New Mexico ranchers is reaching out to the White House over the alleged mistreatment of Hispanics by the U.S. Forest Service.
: )
The owner of the Guild theatre is appealing the City of Albuquerque's 2008 fine for showing one adult film during the festival.
There may be fewer days to enjoy the fast rides and fattening foods at the 2012 New Mexico State Fair.
So many cool things going on at Bookworks Albuquerque, one of the city's last remaining local, independent bookstores. If you haven't had a chance to check them out, head on over tonight at 7 to meet the store owners at the Store Owner Roundtable. Busy tonight? Consider heading to one of their writing workshops or catching an author visit. It's a great place to go if you want to find that perfect book to cuddle up to.

Santa Fe Reporter - Blogs
Many gathered this morning to rally in protest of Gov. Susana Martinez' third attempt to repeal the law that allows undocumented immigrants to receive driver's licenses. Click here for the video.Video shot by R. Harrison Dilday.
Published: 23 January 2012, 11:00 pm
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