As Congressional leaders debate whether to endorse SOPA or PIPA, or neither of the bills, Silicon Valley and the online industry is fighting back, with plans for site blackouts at Wikipedia, Reddit and other websites across the Internet.

Two years after Haiti's devastating earthquake, politicians are still promising change and rebirth. For an assessment of the progress, delays and remaining challenges in Haiti's recovery, Jeffrey Brown talks with Nan Buzard of the American Red Cross and Dominique Toussaint of Mobilize for Haiti.

bit.lyhttp://to.pbs.org/sMYcJO Coming January 17: FRONTLINE examines the implications of the Fukushima accident for U.S. nuclear safety
As American grapple with SOPA and PIPA, and Wikipedia and Reddit go dark to educate their users about their views on the legislation, Spain is also trying to get a handle on online piracy. The new conservative government has vowed to swiftly enact a bill

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