Online piracy is a serious issue that hurts our economy and costs us jobs in New Mexico. Counterfeit medication and contaminated drugs that are sold online endanger the health of Americans. It is clear that steps need to be taken to combat online piracy, but after further review, I have decided that I can no longer support SOPA in its current form. Over the past few weeks, I have heard from many of my constituents who agree that piracy is an issue that must be addressed, yet have serious concerns with provisions in this bill. After listening to them and talking with folks in the district over the weekend, I took another hard look at the bill. While we need to take steps to address online piracy, we must also protect the unique qualities of the Internet.
Op-Ed from the Albuquerque Journal by NMGCC member
nmgreenchamber.comFriday marked two years since the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, declared it legal for corporations – including foreign corporations – to spend unlimited amounts of money in our nation’s elections. The overwhelming impact since that decision has been palpable.
Great article on why you should get a flu shot: index.php?q=content%2Fadd-flu-s hot-your-list-new-years-resolu tions Many Americans associate influenza with the fall, but you may be surprised to learn that during many flu seasons, influenza activity doesn’t peak until winter or early spring. In fact, virus activity peaked in February or later in approximately half of the past 35 flu seasons. KOAT shared a link. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- An Albuquerque woman in a wheelchair said she was refused service on a city bus because the driver felt there was only room for passengers who could stand. Tuesday, January 24, 2012. New Mexico Gay Rodeo Association shared Equality New Mexico's photo.
Join us for a GREAT evening in Santa Fe next Wednesday. Cocktails on the Plaza, Wed 1/25, 5:30-7:00pm. $25 contribution. Hosted bar.
Congratulations IGRA University Master’s Degree Recipients!!!
Congratulations to Frank Harrell and Rob Somers, the recipients of a Master’s Degree in Rodeo Arts for 2012. Thanks, guys, for you dedication and hard work in receiving this very difficult, and very rare, degree level from IGRA University.
New Mexico Gay Rodeo Association shared The New Mexico Gay Men's Chorus's photo.
I outlined more of my anti-corruption agenda today and I'm encouraged that it has bi-partisan support. Public officials who plead guilty to corruption should be immediately fired, lose their pensions, and be subject to more severe penalties. I am also once again asking the legislature to shut the revolving door that turns citizen legislators into special-interest lobbyists by prohibiting former legislators from lobbying for two years after they leave the legislature. We have made progress rooting out corruption, but we can and must do more.
Governor backs bills to fight corruption - NM Capitol Report | A view from the New Mexico state capi elpasotimes.typepad.comShe also renews call for lobbying restriction on lawmakers.
Act Now!!
archive.constantcontact.comThe Public Regulation Commission is proposing a new rule that could significantly reduce the amount of solar energy installed into homes in New Mexico. This new rule would have a significant impact on our state's solar industry. shared a link. By Heath Haussamen • News • Gov. Susana Martinez scaled back the agenda for the ongoing 30-day legislative session on Monday, but election reform and various ethics-related proposals including increased penalties for public corruption remain.
One of the favorites of the Balloon Fiesta caught fire over the weekend in Arizona. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- One of the most popular special-shapes balloons from last year's Balloon Fiesta was involved in a fire. Monday, January 23, 2012.
Our latest on the blog - including relevant video - "HIRE Love" Our latest on the blog (including VID) - "HIRE Love" Eager to a) bask in the warm glow of job creation, b) let voters know that they’re eager to bask in the warm glow of job creation and c) actually address a problem that is first and foremost in the minds of the people they represent
www.KOB.comImmigrant advocates will protest at the Capitol over threats by New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez to repeal a state law that allows illegal immigrants to obtain state driver's licenses.
The film follows the men credited with uncovering records showing that the amount of leaked fuel that led to water contamination in N. C. was many times greater than the Marine Corps acknowledged. Contaminated water affected thousands at Camp Lejeune from the 1950s to the 1980s.
www.KOB.comWe are working to get more information about Sunday’s officer-involved shooting on Ohkay Owingeh pueblo. shared a link. By Heath Haussamen • News • After receiving criticism from some Democratic legislative leaders that she had put too much on their plate for the 30-day session that’s in progress, Gov. Susana Martinez plans to scale back the scope of the session later today.
Tuesday January 24, 2012
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Jeff and Ken's Humble Abode
(Address posted on events calendar in the nmgra website- )
This meeting is for the Board of NMGRA to discuss the business and running of NMGRA. All members are encouraged to attend and be a part of the discussions, however only board members have a vote at these meetings. Its also a good time to get to know your elected board members. These meetings will always be on the 4th Tuesday of the month. shared a link. By Heath Haussamen • News • “To think that Anthony (Correra) and Marc (Correra) don’t have a stranglehold over this thing is crazy. Because the governor runs this sh*t and they run the governor.” That’s what New Mexico’s investment adviser, Saul Meyer, said to his company’s partners in 2006
Op-Ed from the Albuquerque Journal by NMGCC member
nmgreenchamber.comFriday marked two years since the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, declared it legal for corporations – including foreign corporations – to spend unlimited amounts of money in our nation’s elections. The overwhelming impact since that decision has been palpable. Great article on why you should get a flu shot: index.php?q=content%2Fadd-flu-s hot-your-list-new-years-resolu tions 
Eager to a) bask in the warm glow of job creation, b) let voters know that they’re eager to bask in the warm glow of job creation and c) actually address a problem that is first and foremost in the minds of the people they represent
Many Americans associate influenza with the fall, but you may be surprised to learn that during many flu seasons, influenza activity doesn’t peak until winter or early spring. In fact, virus activity peaked in February or later in approximately half of the past 35 flu seasons.
KOAT shared a link. 
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- An Albuquerque woman in a wheelchair said she was refused service on a city bus because the driver felt there was only room for passengers who could stand. Tuesday, January 24, 2012.
New Mexico Gay Rodeo Association shared Equality New Mexico's photo.

Join us for a GREAT evening in Santa Fe next Wednesday. Cocktails on the Plaza, Wed 1/25, 5:30-7:00pm. $25 contribution. Hosted bar.
Congratulations IGRA University Master’s Degree Recipients!!!
Congratulations IGRA University Master’s Degree Recipients!!!
Congratulations to Frank Harrell and Rob Somers, the recipients of a Master’s Degree in Rodeo Arts for 2012. Thanks, guys, for you dedication and hard work in receiving this very difficult, and very rare, degree level from IGRA University.
New Mexico Gay Rodeo Association shared The New Mexico Gay Men's Chorus's photo.
I outlined more of my anti-corruption agenda today and I'm encouraged that it has bi-partisan support. Public officials who plead guilty to corruption should be immediately fired, lose their pensions, and be subject to more severe penalties. I am also once again asking the legislature to shut the revolving door that turns citizen legislators into special-interest lobbyists by prohibiting former legislators from lobbying for two years after they leave the legislature. We have made progress rooting out corruption, but we can and must do more.
Governor backs bills to fight corruption - NM Capitol Report | A view from the New Mexico state capi
elpasotimes.typepad.comShe also renews call for lobbying restriction on lawmakers.
Act Now!! 
The Public Regulation Commission is proposing a new rule that could significantly reduce the amount of solar energy installed into homes in New Mexico. This new rule would have a significant impact on our state's solar industry. shared a link.
By Heath Haussamen • News • Gov. Susana Martinez scaled back the agenda for the ongoing 30-day legislative session on Monday, but election reform and various ethics-related proposals including increased penalties for public corruption remain.
One of the favorites of the Balloon Fiesta caught fire over the weekend in Arizona.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- One of the most popular special-shapes balloons from last year's Balloon Fiesta was involved in a fire. Monday, January 23, 2012.
Our latest on the blog - including relevant video - "HIRE Love" Our latest on the blog (including VID) - "HIRE Love"

Immigrant advocates will protest at the Capitol over threats by New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez to repeal a state law that allows illegal immigrants to obtain state driver's licenses.
The film follows the men credited with uncovering records showing that the amount of leaked fuel that led to water contamination in N. C. was many times greater than the Marine Corps acknowledged.
Contaminated water affected thousands at Camp Lejeune from the 1950s to the 1980s. 
We are working to get more information about Sunday’s officer-involved shooting on Ohkay Owingeh pueblo. shared a link.
NMGRA Board Meeting-LOCATION UPDATE!!! By Heath Haussamen • News • “To think that Anthony (Correra) and Marc (Correra) don’t have a stranglehold over this thing is crazy. Because the governor runs this sh*t and they run the governor.” That’s what New Mexico’s investment adviser, Saul Meyer, said to his company’s partners in 2006
By Heath Haussamen • News • After receiving criticism from some Democratic legislative leaders that she had put too much on their plate for the 30-day session that’s in progress, Gov. Susana Martinez plans to scale back the scope of the session later today.
Tuesday January 24, 2012
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Jeff and Ken's Humble Abode
(Address posted on events calendar in the nmgra website- )
This meeting is for the Board of NMGRA to discuss the business and running of NMGRA. All members are encouraged to attend and be a part of the discussions, however only board members have a vote at these meetings. Its also a good time to get to know your elected board members. These meetings will always be on the 4th Tuesday of the month. shared a link.

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