A Daily Beast piece has a somber inside look at being an African-American woman in Hollywood.

President signs legislation but expresses misgivings about several provisions.


In January, the FAA is expected to issue new air space regulations allowing for the civilian use of unmanned aerial vehicles. Police departments are expected to be early and widespread users of the drones, but some are raising concerns about privacy.

www.youtube.com Mangus Spedgwick has had one dream his whole life... He wants to be Jesus -- in his high school's annual production of "Jesus Christ Spectacular"
www.symphonyspace.org Two teams of comedians, writers and performers including Julie Klausner (How Was Your Week? Podcast and Best Week Ever), Dave Hill (This American Life), Max Silvestri (Big Terrific), Gabe Delahaye (Mr. Coconuts) and Gabe Liedman (Big Terrific) square off
In Fort Doge, Iowa, a South Korean company is bringing a factory town. Across the U.S. Midwest, communities are trying to lure foreign investment to get economies going again.

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