This year’s essay, "America’s Children, America’s Challenge: Promoting Opportunity for the Next Generation," explores how kids and families are faring in the wake of the recession and why it’s important to help children reach their full potential and become part of a robust economy and society.
- www.abqlatinfest.comA festival showcasing performances live salsa bands, dance workshops, films and lectures on the subject of Latin music, dance and culture held in Albuquerque.
networkedblogs.comThis Thursday night: Fun and free Sierra Club n’ Beer! We’ll start off with a brief update on our local Coal to Clean Energy work. Then special guest Food & Water
indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com A guide to Santa Fe and the Santa Fe Indian Market by artist Alex Jacobswww.ase.orgProperty Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) is a financing tool designed to reduce the hurdles that impede residential and commercial property owners from implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades to their property.
www.KOB.comOnly four states rank lower than New Mexico in this year's Kids Count ranking of child well-being.www.koat.comALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- Police say a suspected kidnapper was thwarted by a man who witnessed a 6-year-old girl being pushed into a van and then quickly alerted authorities. Tuesday, August 16, 2011.
- www.nmpolitics.netBy Kwaku Sraha • Commentary • The debt ceiling deal recently reached by the White House and Congress has some negative consequences for current and future college students who rely on some forms of federal financial aid to help pay educational costs.www.nmpolitics.netBy Heath Haussamen • News • District Judge Mike Murphy could face trial on bribery charges somewhere other than Doña Ana County if the case’s prosecutor gets his way.
- www.wholekidsfoundation.orgWhole Kids Foundation is an organziation devoted to improving children's nutrition and wellness with the goal of ending the childhood obesity epidemic.www.KOB.comPeople in the Four Corners will have fewer choices when it comes to transportation. Greyhound said it will stop service to multiple cities in the area.I just spent a lovely weekend in Taos for a wedding. As the sun sets there, the evening air grows chilly—as opposed to slightly less boiling hot, like in Burque. Last year, Taos celebrated its first ever Pride weekend, though its founder died a few weeks before the event. The fest was held in Robert Quintana’s honor....Source: Alibi WeblogPublished: 2011-08-17 21:51:49 GMT
Santa Fe Reporter - BlogsYesterday afternoon Marianna Hatten, who owns High Feather Ranch near Madrid, spotted two low-flying helicopters around her property. Flyover helicopters like this have been around Madrid for the past five years as around late summer and early fall, which is harvest season.
- Late Sunday night found my roommate and I sitting on top of a dune in White Sands National Monument with an English couple we'd met earlier that morning. We'd lent them a tent, dropped their backpacks at our house and set out for a five-hour road trip through southwestern New Mexico....Source: Alibi WeblogPublished: 2011-08-17 20:41:42 GMTwww.koat.comCheck out these unbelievable lightning photos taken by u local members. Upload your lightning photos on u local and your photo just might be featured on KOAT News.
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