Cuéntame's 'Immigrant For Sale' campaign and video makes front page on Huffington Post and Latino Voices! THANK YOU for making it possible. Here is the article - but as usual there are many who are trying to derail the conversation - if you have a moment please go and support with a comment! We will post the video again shortly.
LOS ANGELES -- At dawn on July 19, nearly 40 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Homeland Security Immigration (HSI) agents burst into the home home of Carmen Bonilla, 44. The agents were searching for "Robert" an alleged drug dealer.
The Takeaway covers the next stage of the race. Republican candidates jockey for position as MN Rep. Michele Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll and Texas Gov. Rick Perry announces candidacy. Do you think the longest serving governor in the country can upset the Tea Party champion? Why or why not?
Voters separated wheat from chaff this weekend at the Iowa straw poll, with Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann the winner.
Philadelphia enforces a strict curfew in response to flash mobs organized by young people on social media to commit acts of violence. Do you think law enforcement reactions should be stronger to act as a deterrant or will stiffer penalties for mob participants be more effective? How would you handle it?
Philadelphia now enforces a strict curfew for minors in response to youth organizing malicious flash mobs.
A primary goal of the human rights movement is to ensure equality for all persons and citizens of nation states. Within the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) there is much talk about self-determination, exercise of cultural, territorial rights, and economic rights. Such rights, however, can only be exercised to the extent that any other group or citizen can enjoy the same rights.
The human rights movement is meant to ensure equal rights for all including Native Americans and all other Indigenous Peoples.
What we're reading in the newsroom tonight. After what seems sometimes like a constant barrage of bad news, let's read some happy things, shall we? Anyone out there have happy news of their own?
Happy News - Positive real-world international stories about business, health, science & technology, arts & entertainment, sports, heroes, opinion & editorial, environment. . .
“We hope this report will foster change in how Indian tribes and the Forest Service interact on land management decisions for the good of all Americans,” the authors write in their executive summary. “It is our hope that these recommendations lead to meaningful changes in the way Native American Sacred Sites are protected and accessed.
A new draft report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture finds that Native Americans are correct in believing that the federal government and the agency’s U.S. Forest Service in particular are doing poorly on understanding sacred site issues from Native viewpoints, and it calls for many improvements...
Ray was and always will be one of the truly great ones... A tribute.
All of us at Bioneers express our deep sadness at the passing this week of our friend, colleague and authentic hero Ray Anderson after his struggle with cancer
An article about the 1979 comedy Americathon
A Boston program encourages low-income residents to eat healthier by giving them incentives to buy food at farmers markets. What about the off season? Could programs like this be more effective if they offered incentives for grocery stores to open in low-income instead of/in addition to residents to shop at famer's markets?
Boston encourages residents on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to eat healthier by giving them incentives to buy food at farmer's markets.
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