I Strengthen My Nation - A New A&D Prevention Campaign now Available targeting American Indian and Alaska Native Youth In many AI/AN communities, teens and young adults use drugs and alcohol at rates higher than the national average. The I Strengthen My Nation campaign was developed by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) to help communities address this concern. The goal of the campaign is to empower Native youth to resist pressures to drink and use drugs. By standing up to this pressure, youth can strengthen themselves, influence their friends, and strengthen their nation. A 30 second video and radio spot reminds youth: You affect other people, even if you don't think you do. People notice your actions. You have influence. Think about it. What someone sees you do, can change their life. That one choice strengthens you, strengthens others, and strengthens your nation. The campaign includes: * Logo jpegs that communities can use on their own print materials and promotional items (T-shirts, key chains, water bottles, etc.). * 3 Posters (male<http://www.npaihb.org/images/epicenter_docs/MSPI/THRIVE/2012/Strengthen%20my%20Nation%20-%20Male%20poster.pdf>, female<http://www.npaihb.org/images/epicenter_docs/MSPI/THRIVE/2012/Strengthen%20my%20Nation%20-%20Female%20poster.pdf>, and Chaske<http://www.npaihb.org/images/epicenter_docs/MSPI/THRIVE/2012/Strengthen%20my%20Nation%20-%20Chaske%20poster.pdf> versions) * 2 Brochures, with versions for Teens<http://www.npaihb.org/images/epicenter_docs/MSPI/THRIVE/2012/Strengthen%20my%20Nation%20-%20Youth%20brochure.pdf> and Parents<http://www.npaihb.org/images/epicenter_docs/MSPI/THRIVE/2012/Strengthen%20my%20Nation%20-%20Parent%20brochure.pdf> * A Fact Sheet<http://www.npaihb.org/images/epicenter_docs/MSPI/THRIVE/2012/Strengthen%20my%20Nation%20-%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf> * A Window Cling<http://www.npaihb.org/images/epicenter_docs/MSPI/THRIVE/2012/Strengthen%20my%20Nation-windowcling.pdf> * A lanyard<http://www.npaihb.org/images/epicenter_docs/MSPI/THRIVE/2012/Strengthen%20my%20Nation-lanyard.pdf> * Black and White T-shirts<http://www.npaihb.org/images/epicenter_docs/MSPI/THRIVE/2012/Strengthen%20my%20Nation-tshirt.pdf> * USB Drive with PSAs pre-loaded * A 30 second Radio PSA. * A 30 second Video PSA. * A 3 minute Video PSA. These items can be ordered free-of-charge from THRIVE, at the NPAIHB. Materials will automatically be mailed to the 43 federally recognized tribes in ID, OR, and WA. To order print materials, please contact: Colbie Caughlan Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 2121 SW Broadway, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97201 ph: (503) 228-4185 fax: (503) 228-8182 Email: ccaughlan@npaihb.org<mailto:ccaughlan@npaihb.org> Please include your: Name, Tribe/organization, desired items, quantities, and mailing address. All of the I Strengthen My Nation campaign materials are also available on our website. Please download, print, and pass them along to interested parties: http://www.npaihb.org/epicenter/project/mspi_prevention_media_resources/ Consider using these materials in conjunction with: * April - Alcohol Awareness Month * October - National Substance Abuse Prevention Month This project was made possible with financial support from the Indian Health Service. The campaign was developed by the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board in partnership with KAT Communications, with input from hundreds of teens, parents, and health educators from throughout the U.S. Colbie M. Caughlan, MPH Suicide Prevention Project Manager - THRIVE Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board 2121 SW Broadway, Suite 300 Portland, Oregon 97201 Ph. 503-416-3284 Fax 503-228-8182 ccaughlan@npaihb.org<mailto:ccaughlan@npaihb.org>
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KGLP Slide Show
Monday, September 24, 2012
"I Strengthen My Nation" prevention program
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