TOP: Eugene Plummer announces at the new FM radio station K-YA-T early in the morning on Oct. 1, when the new station, found at 94.5, first went on the air. BOTTOM: Eugene Plummer announces on the first morning of broadcasting for new radio station K-YA-T in Gallup.

Navajo Times In the News Room Daily Update for October 18, 2011 with Alastair Bitsoi Headlines: First day of the 2011 Fall Navajo Nation Council Session

Urban Outfitters, a clothing company with stores in 35 states including Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado, has come out with a line of products all labeled "Navajo" and using Navajo designs.
"We're here to listen and learn from the Navajo Nation," said Hemi Rau, an educational leader and advocate for Maori language immersion schools in New Zealand.

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