KGLP Slide Show

Monday, October 17, 2011

National News

‎"The explosive potential of controlling your own food supply." Read the article from Elephant Journal!
Homeless kicked out of public park for Utah’s ‘Wall Street’ protest
ow.ly10/11/11 Opinion: Pioneer Park has long been home to many of Utah’s homeless.
Just broadcast: "Auto Show." Stories about people who love their cars, for better or for worse. shared a link.
By Sarah Lenti • Commentary • Message isn't everything, so I don't ultimately think Herman Cain can clinch the GOP presidential nomination with 9-9-9. But while I'd place my bet on Mitt Romney, Cain is certainly someone to watch.
SOTRU contributor Peter Block of @AbundantComm explores how being neighborly is creating the need for a different type of tool for measuring America's success. Instead of the GDP or GNP, give the "Economy of Well-Being" or the "Genuine Progress Index" a go.
stateofthereunion.comState of the Re:Union's contributor Peter Block of Abundant Community explains the fiscal soundness behind being neighborly.
A sad day in Indian Country and West-wide. To learn more about the resolution of that trust case, read Jodi Rave's recent wrap-up for HCN:
Elouise Cobell, a Blackfeet woman who led the largest lawsuit against the federal government on behalf of Native Americans, died Sunday at a hospital in Great Falls.
WAMU's Metro Connection tells the story of Jim Dandy, 97, who has been dry-cleaning since 1935. It takes more than just chemicals to do what he does...
Meet a man who's been dry cleaning for nearly 80 years, with a little bit of stain-removing savvy... and a whole lot of love.
Elouise Cobell, 65, Walks On
The Indian woman who fought the U.S. government—and won—has lost her battle with cancer.

"like" and "share" this post to celebrate her life and accomplishments.

Read article here…
Caregiving on the Rez shared a link.
Alzheimer's Association - For Sleep Changes

Wandering Behavior: Preparing for and Preventing It

Good policy and good intentions won't stop big, destructive wildfires. HCN managing editor Jodi Peterson has the scoop:
Federal agencies have made strides in reducing fire danger in the West's forests, but many factors hinder their efforts

With unemployment among blacks double that of whites, many are advocating overt, targeted efforts to create jobs among African-Americans. One CEO says we should implement something like the NFL's Rooney Rule for corporate America. What do you think? Should companies be required to interview minorities?
With unemployment among blacks double that of whites, many are advocating overt, targeted efforts to create jobs among African-Americans. One CEO says we should implement something like the NFL's Rooney Rule for corporate America.
On Tuesday, Tim Cook will have a chance to show whether he intends to make any changes Apple, during the company's quarterly earnings call.
On Tuesday, Tim Cook will have a chance to show whether he intends to make any changes Apple, during the company's quarterly earnings call.

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