Native America Calling shared their own note: Today's Program 10/25/11: Best Ways to Stay Breast Cancer Free.

State of the Re:UNION shared a link.

She died shielding schoolchildren from a rooftop gunman. Why isn't this a national story?

Blogging the Beltway: While in Chicago she talks food access, despite detractors who say that's not the problem.

Please circulate this video relaying the atrocious stats against Native American women. Music by the Bastard Fairies. Video by the1491s

A group of scientists have recommended testing out the safety of the current anthrax vaccine, which is deemed safe for adults, when its administered to children.

As consumers try to find safe places for their cash, they're putting banks in a pickle. Banks actually pay to keep you cash and because they're not lending it or investing it, it's costing them money.

The Museum of Modern Art has a new exhibition that showcases how people interact with the objects in their everyday world, and the emotions they provoke.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican presidential hopeful, has proposed a flat tax plan that would be voluntary, and reduce the tax rate on most Americans. Republicans call it a tax cut for the rich.

ATLANTA (CNN) -- A federal government advisory committee could decide Tuesday whether to recommend doctors vaccinate boys as young as 11 against the human papillomavirus, commonly referred to as HPV. Tuesday, October 25, 2011.
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