The GCCA is having it's membership drive kickoff meeting this Thursday at 5:30pm to 6:30 starting with a potluck at the Comfort Suites. Join us if you'd like to help up sell memberships for next year. For every 10 adult memberships sold, you earn one free adult membership! Call 505-862-3939 for more info :)
Navajo Chapter Plans Largest Utility-Scale Solar Farm on Tribal Land
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/27/ navajo-chapter-plans-largest-ut ility-scale-solar-farm-on-trib al-land-110447?utm_medium=soci al&utm_content=navajo-chapter- plans-largest-utility-scale-so lar-farm-on-tribal-land-110447 &utm_campaign=fb-posts

Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society added 8 photos from April 30, 2012 to the album Looking for Forever Homes - April 30.
Yá át ééh abíní, blue skies and hot sun rays expected today.
Window Rock Weather
Temperature: 52°F (11°C)
Humidity: 38%
Wind: N at 0 mph
Today's forecast:
Mostly Sunny
Lets hear a shout out, where are you at and how is your weather?
Radmilla Cody added 43 new photos to the album Little Colorado NN Tribal Park 50th Anniversary Celebration.
Happy Marvelous Monday Magnificent FB Family! I hope everyone had a nice & relaxing weekend.
Over the weekend, I participated in the Little Colorado River Tribal
Park 50th Anniversary Celebration and had a great time! Beautiful
weather, a lot of people, great food, speakers, and I shared the stage
with James Bilagodie who rocked the house!
"Happy 50th
Anniversary" to our Navajo Nation Tribal Parks & Recreation!
Ahe'hee' for preserving/ protecting our land, resources, and culture.
Here's to a lifetime of cultural preservation!
for each & everyday: "Treat the earth and all of her aspects as your
mother. Show deep respect for the mineral world, the plant world, and
the animal world. Do nothing to pollute our Mother, rise up with wisdom
to defend her." -Native American Code of Ethics
Through the
eyes of compassion, love and nurturing, we can play our individual
parts in conservation, ecology, forest conservation and other
environmental aspects affecting our planet (and ultimately us).
Make it a great & productive week! ♥, light, & blessings...
any of our viewers living in the Milan/Grants area have any pictures of
the train accident just west of Milan? If you do go ahead an upload
them here on facebook, send them to our ulocal page or our email at! Thanks
Navajo Word of the Day
A new Navajo word translated everyday
Today we’ll start exploring the Navajo numbers from 1 to 10.
Window Rock Weather
Temperature: 52°F (11°C)
Humidity: 38%
Wind: N at 0 mph
Today's forecast:
Mostly Sunny
Lets hear a shout out, where are you at and how is your weather?
Radmilla Cody added 43 new photos to the album Little Colorado NN Tribal Park 50th Anniversary Celebration.
Happy Marvelous Monday Magnificent FB Family! I hope everyone had a nice & relaxing weekend.
Over the weekend, I participated in the Little Colorado River Tribal Park 50th Anniversary Celebration and had a great time! Beautiful weather, a lot of people, great food, speakers, and I shared the stage with James Bilagodie who rocked the house!
"Happy 50th Anniversary" to our Navajo Nation Tribal Parks & Recreation! Ahe'hee' for preserving/ protecting our land, resources, and culture. Here's to a lifetime of cultural preservation!
Thoughts for each & everyday: "Treat the earth and all of her aspects as your mother. Show deep respect for the mineral world, the plant world, and the animal world. Do nothing to pollute our Mother, rise up with wisdom to defend her." -Native American Code of Ethics
Through the eyes of compassion, love and nurturing, we can play our individual parts in conservation, ecology, forest conservation and other environmental aspects affecting our planet (and ultimately us).
Make it a great & productive week! ♥, light, & blessings...
Over the weekend, I participated in the Little Colorado River Tribal Park 50th Anniversary Celebration and had a great time! Beautiful weather, a lot of people, great food, speakers, and I shared the stage with James Bilagodie who rocked the house!
"Happy 50th Anniversary" to our Navajo Nation Tribal Parks & Recreation! Ahe'hee' for preserving/ protecting our land, resources, and culture. Here's to a lifetime of cultural preservation!
Thoughts for each & everyday: "Treat the earth and all of her aspects as your mother. Show deep respect for the mineral world, the plant world, and the animal world. Do nothing to pollute our Mother, rise up with wisdom to defend her." -Native American Code of Ethics
Through the eyes of compassion, love and nurturing, we can play our individual parts in conservation, ecology, forest conservation and other environmental aspects affecting our planet (and ultimately us).
Make it a great & productive week! ♥, light, & blessings...
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