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KGLP Slide Show
Friday, April 27, 2012
National news
The Senate just passed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, building on 18 years of successful protections for women. Proud to vote for it and stand up for women.
Trying out posting relevant content from the nonprofit news organization ProPublica. What do you think?
Provocative, Misleading Play About Ishi Opens Wounds From California Genocide
Justin Elliott, ProPublica • News • With the Federal Communications
Commission set to vote today on whether to require broadcasters to post
political ad data online, the industry has been scrambling to water down
the proposed rule.
Provocative, Misleading Play About Ishi Opens Wounds From California Genocide
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/25/ provocative-misleading-play-abo ut-ishi-opens-wounds-from-cali fornia-genocide-109897?utm_med ium=social&utm_content=provoca tive-misleading-play-about-ish i-opens-wounds-from-california -genocide-109897&utm_campaign= fb-posts

Learn about the largest radioactive spill in US History here. It happened in Church Rock, NM.
largest release of radioactive waste occurred right down the road from
me. To this day, this dangerous contamination has not been adequately
addressed.” Larry J. King, Churchrock resident, before the U.S. House
of Representatives, October 23, 2007
New Mexico news
The 29th Annual Gathering of Nations
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/26/ the-29th-annual-gathering-of-na tions-107216?utm_medium=social &utm_content=the-29th-annual-g athering-of-nations-107216&utm _campaign=fb-posts

100 days left until the Zia Regional Rodeo!!!!
We had a great meeting last night...this is going to be one fantastic weekend!!!!!
Friday August 3rd
Rodeo School - 8am- 5pm
Meet and Greet pool party The Lodge at Santa Fe - 4pm -6pm
Contestant Registration The Lodge at Santa Fe
Saturday August 4th
Zia Regional Rodeo Events Rodeo de Santa Fe Arena - 9am-5pm
Chuck Wagon Benefit Dinner - 5pm-7pm
Country Western Dance Party The Lodge at Santa Fe - 7pm-11pm
Sunday August 5th
Zia Regional Rodeo Events Rodeo de Santa Fe Arena - 9am-5pm
Awards Ceremony the lodge at Santa Fe - 7pm-11pm shared a link.
Heath Haussamen • News • The Attorney General’s Office asks for
confirmation by May 4 that the Sunland Park City Council has met to
re-deliberate the appointment of a mayor – unless the council wants to
instead argue that it didn’t violate the law.
We had a great meeting last night...this is going to be one fantastic weekend!!!!!
Friday August 3rd
Rodeo School - 8am- 5pm
Meet and Greet pool party The Lodge at Santa Fe - 4pm -6pm
Contestant Registration The Lodge at Santa Fe
Saturday August 4th
Zia Regional Rodeo Events Rodeo de Santa Fe Arena - 9am-5pm
Chuck Wagon Benefit Dinner - 5pm-7pm
Country Western Dance Party The Lodge at Santa Fe - 7pm-11pm
Sunday August 5th
Zia Regional Rodeo Events Rodeo de Santa Fe Arena - 9am-5pm
Awards Ceremony the lodge at Santa Fe - 7pm-11pm shared a link.
Heath Haussamen • News • The Attorney General’s Office asks for
confirmation by May 4 that the Sunland Park City Council has met to
re-deliberate the appointment of a mayor – unless the council wants to
instead argue that it didn’t violate the law.
Gallup area news

Metales M5 is Mexico’s leading brass quintet, and they'll be in Gallup this Saturday, 4/28, @ 7PM- Gallup HS Auditorium!
Since its founding in 2005 in Morelia, Michoacán, the five gentlemen
have been playing a wide variety of music without regard to genre:
Baroque and contemporary music, opera and blues, pop, movie soundtracks
and folk music from Spain, Mexico, and other Latin American countries.
Combining their skills at fine classical chamber music, non-stop
interaction with the audience, inborn showmanship and their inimitable
Latin American charm, M5 concerts are unique musical-theatrical concert
Johnny Depp’s Explanation of Tonto Costume Both Clarifies and Muddles
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/25/ johnny-depps-explanation-of-ton to-costume-both-clarifies-and- muddles-110002?utm_medium=soci al&utm_content=johnny-depps-ex planation-of-tonto-costume-bot h-clarifies-and-muddles-110002 &utm_campaign=fb-posts

Revoking this permit could be our last chance to protect this Navajo
community and their ground water aquifer from a uranium mine.
Colorado Plateau of New Mexico still bears the unhealed sores of the
Uranium Boom of the last century – radioactive waste piles,...
Monday, April 23, 2012
International News
Lyrid Meteor Shower Under Dark New-Moon Skies, Plus Mars and Saturn
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/21/ lyrid-meteor-shower-under-dark- new-moon-skies-plus-mars-and-s aturn-108982?utm_medium=social &utm_content=lyrid-meteor-show er-under-dark-new-moon-skies-p lus-mars-and-saturn-108982&utm _campaign=fb-posts

Celestial Shows: From Venus Transit to Meteor Showers, 2012 Skywatching Is a Treat
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/20/ celestial-shows-from-venus-tran sit-to-meteor-showers-2012-sky watching-is-a-treat-108041?utm _medium=social&utm_content=cel estial-shows-from-venus-transi t-to-meteor-showers-2012-skywa tching-is-a-treat-108041&utm_c ampaign=fb-posts

Ron Folman got a tattoo 15 years ago. That's not all that unusual. But the Israeli's man tattoo is a bit shocking. It's an identical replica of the tattoo his father received at the German concentration camp Auschwitz during the Holocaust.
Folman got a tattoo 15 years ago. That's not all that unusual. But the
Israeli's man tattoo is a bit shocking. It's an identical replica of the
tattoo his father received at a German concentration camp during the
National News
‘Why Do You Indians Always Live in the Past?'
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/ict_sbc/ why-do-you-indians-always-live- in-the-past?utm_medium=social& utm_content=why-do-you-indians -always-live-in-the-past&utm_c ampaign=fb-posts

Indian Meme Spotted on Tumblr
More images here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/21/ indian-meme-spotted-on-tumblr-1 09453?utm_medium=social&utm_co ntent=indian-meme-spotted-on-t umblr-109453&utm_campaign=fb-p osts

White Privilege
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/ict_sbc/ white-privilege?utm_medium=soci al&utm_content=white-privilege &utm_campaign=fb-posts

On Fenway’s 100th Birthday, We Recall the Life and Times of Louis Leroy, the Red Sox’ First Native Player
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/20/ on-fenways-100th-birthday-we-re call-the-life-and-times-of-lou is-leroy-the-red-soxs-first-na tive-player-109367?utm_medium= social&utm_content=on-fenways- 100th-birthday-we-recall-the-l ife-and-times-of-louis-leroy-t he-red-soxs-first-native-playe r-109367&utm_campaign=fb-posts

Thanks to President Obama for recognizing the bravery of Erik & Deven Schei and all our wounded warriors at The White House today. — at The White House.

"As FAIR notes, the bias in favor of Republicans is not entirely attributable to the presidential elections."

"'Middle-of-the-road Beltway journalists made 201 appearances in roundtables,' FAIR adds, 'which serves to buttress the argument that corporate media’s idea of a debate is conservative ideologues matched by centrist-oriented journalists.'"

New Mexico News
News: APD needs help finding this missing girl. 12-year-old Valoree
Davis was last seen at 2:30 pm Sunday on Forrester and Mountain wearing a
light blue shirt and blue jeans. She has mid length brown hair and
brown eyes. If you've seen her, call (505) 803-6838 new-mexico/albuquerque/ Police-search-for-two-missing-c hildren/-/9153728/11623776/-/ vcnlp0/-/index.html

Brian Sandoval

Wooo hooo!
Wow roll call....who's coming to Albuquerque for the Gathering of
Nations Pow wow? How you getting here? Who are you bringing? What are
you coming for? Who or what do you hope to see?

By: Brian Sandoval
Wow roll call....who's coming to Albuquerque for the Gathering of
Nations Pow wow? How you getting here? Who are you bringing? What are
you coming for? Who or what do you hope to see?
And while we
are at it, we are wishing all of you making it to the city where Native
America Calling is produced safe travels!!!
When you get to Albuquerque you can find us live each day on KUNM 89.9 FM 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. local time Monday through Friday.

The U.S. Marshals Service has released a list of its most wanted sexual offenders in New Mexico.
Did you know that on Sunday, May 20, 2012 there will be an unusual solar event called an "annular eclipse?" Albuquerque is one of the best places to see it and lots of events are planned to learn about and view the event. Eclipse fanatics will be traveling here from around the world to catch a glimpse.

high desert location makes for clear skies and calm weather much of the
year. This spring, it will be the place to be for astronomy buffs and
amateur star gazers alike. Two astronomical "close encounters" will take
place - and both are visible in Albuquerque. shared a link.
Heath Haussamen • Commentary • By all appearances, the Sunland Park
City Council tried to comply with the Open Meetings Act in appointing a
new mayor, but it still failed. The city’s leaders don’t seem to know
how to let sunshine in. They need help.
Gallup Area News
Renewal Night for the GCCA is one week away (4/28/12)! Click below and find out how you can attend the METALES M5 Mexican Brass performance *free*!
Yá’át’Ă©Ă©h! On May 3, 1985, the Navajo Tribal Council established Navajo Nation Sovereignty Day so we would always remember when our sovereignty was acknowledged and unanimously upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Council set aside April 16 as Sovereignty Day – the day of the Supreme Court’s ruling – but we now celebrate it as a tribal holiday on the fourth Monday of April.

Radmilla Cody added 15 new photos to the album SB 2109 Water Settlement Forums.
Yaateeh BEAUTIFUL & GREAT people! The latest update on this week’s forum in Tuba
City, Pinon, and Ganado Chapter Houses is that Ben Shelly and Co.
controlled the meetings through their presentations on the SB 2109. The
presence of high-secured police officers was evident and in full effect.
Attendees were limited to speaking time, had to sign in, were patted
down, searched for weapons, and were permitted to enter as people exited
the chapter houses. The youth were denied the opportunity to speak in
Pinon (let alone any non Navajo-speaking individuals at all chapters).
The Dine’ were told that they could not have/ hold signs in these
forums. These so called forums are out of control, controlled,
manipulated, and disrespectful to the Navajo people. This is
dictatorship, discrimination, and violation against our Dine’ people! It
is out right WRONG!!! Despite the mistreatment of our Dine’ people,
their presence was strong and their voices were heard that “they opposed
the SB 2109 Bill.” Continue to lift our people up in prayer and keep
those signatures coming! We are going to fight this to the end! I am
appalled at the Navajo Nation President’s “abuse of power” toward the
Navajo people. I will be at the ASU Powwow tomorrow collecting
signatures opposing SB 2109- see you there! Have a great weekend &
we are going to fight this in “UNITY” until the end! The following are
photos from the forums. Ahe'hee' to all the grassroots organizations and
people who attended these forums & updated us with the information/
photos- You ROCK!!! ♥, Life & Justice!!!
Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society added 2 new photos to the album Special Dogs of the Day.
These little fellows need special attention.We are about recovered from our early morning hour of 3:00am...just in time to go to bed! :-) We shipped off 37 puppies this morning via the Rescue Waggin'! Very excited for all these little ones as they are guaranteed to be adopted in Colorado. Thanks Rescue Waggin'!!
Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society added 11 new photos to the album Gallup Dog Park - Phase II. — in Gallup, NM.
The work continues...Gallup-McKinley County Humane Society added 19 new photos to the album Gallup's Dog Park. — in Gallup, NM.
The Beginning of Gallup's Dog Park!
‘Can’t Ban History’ Mural Protests Arizona’s Controversial Ethnic Studies Ban
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/19/ cant-ban-history-mural-protests -arizonas-controversial-ethnic -studies-ban-109109?utm_medium =social&utm_content=cant-ban-h istory-mural-protests-arizonas -controversial-ethnic-studies- ban-109109&utm_campaign=fb-pos ts

Thanks to everyone who voted on the Rachel Ray $100,000 Challenge. We didn't do very well and of course didn't win due to lack of votes. But this was just our first effort and we learned a lot in how to get out the request to obtain more votes. We will try again for another Challenge in the future!
Radmilla Cody shared Aboriginal and Tribal Nation News's photo.

Watching a screening of "Sacred Poison." It is a disgrace that these communities must suffer so from past uranium mining. And that there are companies that want to mine uranium in these communities again.
The EPA has identified 4,000 uranium mines nationwide and 15,000 with “uranium occurrence.” Abandoned uranium mines are found in 14 western states, and 75% are on federal or tribal land. While there is no federal estimate for the total cost remediating up these sites, a federal study in 2000 found that cleaning up 54 abandoned uranium mines cost nearly $2.3 billion.

House Democrats Call for Action Cleaning Abandoned Uranium Mines on Navajo Nation Land | The House C
NAVAJO WOTD - Siláo = policeman
simple source for a daily word from the Navajo language. Follow along
with the provided English translation and the occasional insight into
the Navajo culture.
Lots of training oppoprtunities in NM. Gallup Solar is hosting two weeks of Dr. Richard Komp solar courses in May.
www.bizjournals.comTuesday, April 17, 2012
International news
Preening Venus Hovers Long Into the Night
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/14/ preening-venus-hovers-long-into -the-night-108283?utm_medium=s ocial&utm_content=preening-ven us-hovers-long-into-the-night- 108283&utm_campaign=fb-posts
National news
U.S. Senator Worries Tribal Courts Will Imprison ‘Any American’
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/16/ u-s-senator-worries-tribal-cour ts-will-imprison-any-american- 108508?utm_medium=social&utm_c ontent=%2Fu-s-senator-worries- tribal-courts-will-imprison-an y-american-108508&utm_campaign =fb-posts

First Native Science Fiction Anthology Showcases Indigenous Imagination
Story here…
http:// indiancountrytodaymedianetwork. com/2012/04/15/ first-native-science-fiction-an thology-showcases-indigenous-i magination-107733?utm_medium=s ocial&utm_content=first-native -science-fiction-anthology-sho wcases-indigenous-imagination- 1077338&utm_campaign=fb-posts
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