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www.nmpolitics.net By Dennis Kintigh • Commentary • It has been with tremendous sadness that I have followed the recent developments regarding certain members of the New Mexico state judiciary in various parts of the state.

By Heath Haussamen • News • I was on the statewide radio program News New Mexico earlier today to talk about Secretary of State Dianna Duran’s probe of the voter rolls, the 2012 presidential election and more. Click on the headline to listen.
NMPolitics.net shared a link.


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. -- They were predicted to be the most used parking spaces in Albuquerque, but two electric car charging stations haven't quite lived up to that reputation. Tuesday, November 29, 2011.

This week’s clean energy jobs report shows that solar, advanced biofuels projects and electric vehicle manufacturing projects are continuing to create much-needed jobs in the U.S.
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By Heath Haussamen • News • The executive director of the N.M. Foundation for Open Government is leaving that post to pursue graduate studies, and the group is seeking a new director.

www.nmmarketplace.com Fort Sumner is famous for two reasons: Billy the Kid and The Long Walk. Although the story of Billy the Kid will never be as important as the very serious history of the Navajo’s Long Walk and imprisonment, the death of Billy the Kid is what draws most tourists to Fort Sumner.
Santa Fe Reporter - BlogsTwo Los Alamos National Laboratory supercomputers that would have put HAL to shame made the top 10 on a recently-released list of the world's 500 most powerful supercomputers.
A Four Corners food bank said they are in desperate need of more food.

sust.unm.eduThe American Planning Association, UNM Chapter is proud to present the award-winning documentary The Garden. The documentary details a fourteen-acre community garden at 4st and Alameda in South Central Los Angeles, the largest of its kind in the United States.
Catholic Archbishop Michael Sheehan of Santa Fe says the new Roman Missal translation went smoothly across New Mexico parishes, although he said some priests still need time to adjust.

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