New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce shared a link.
New Mexico Celebrates Agriculture, Food & Health! The Local Food Month initiative was initially a partnership between Burque Bioneers, the MRCOG (Mid-Region Council of Governments) Agriculture Collaborative and organizers of Food Day New Mexico. It was developed to highlight the many agriculture, food and health related events already planned for the month of October around the state. It has now grown to include more than 50 organizations, businesses and individuals. We are currently seeking support from Albuquerque's Mayor Berry in the hopes that he will issue a proclamation supporting the Local Food Month NM initiative. We intend to seek support from other politicians and agencies in the future. However, we are encouraging YOU to advocate for Local Food Month in your own community! If you or the organization you work with would like to pursue a proclamation in your town, city, county or otherwise, we are happy to provide the already drafted letter, including the list of supporting organizations, as a template. Please email and we will send that to you. WHY? The local food system and the health of New Mexico residents improves as more individuals, organizations and agencies support the growing and distribution of healthy, local food within our state. There are numerous organizations in New Mexico working to preserve our agricultural heritage, improve community health conditions, educate the public, keep valuable food-related revenue in our state, and ensure that all people have access to affordable, healthy, fresh foods regardless of income level. Many of these organizations have signed on to support a Local Food Month initiative in New Mexico. If you would like to support this initiative please email
santafealliance.comThe annual Green Drinks on the Train is here! Join us for an early fall, sunset train ride to the Galisteo Basin and back. The train stops for a bit so we can all enjoy the beautiful views of the Galisteo Basin and listen to the evening’s speakers (still TBA).
Ben Ray Lujan shared a link. Fe, NM – Congressman Luján announced today that San Juan College is receiving a federal grant for nearly $400,000 through the Native American-Serving Nontribal Institutions shared a link.

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