By Heath Haussamen • Commentary • Redistricting was destined to end up in court, so maybe the Legislature should adjourn sine die today and stop spending taxpayer money to try to complete this futile exercise. We’re already going to spend millions in legal fees. Let’s get on with it.
By Michael S. Sanchez • Commentary • New Mexico lost a chance to pull out of the mortgage foreclosure nosedive earlier this year when the House Judiciary Committee tabled my bill that would have given homeowners a fair shot at keeping their homes.

By Michael Swickard • Commentary • It seems to me that TEA partiers are a loosely held and lead group of people who are paying attention to the actions of our elected leaders. Period. They have no problem with calling out someone who is not doing the right things, regardless of party.

By Heath Haussamen • News • A judge has apparently dismissed one or more felony bribery charges against Third Judicial District Judge Mike Murphy, but he did so under seal, so exactly what the judge ordered and why isn’t clear.

www.KOB.comGovernor Susana Martinez’s crusade to repeal the law that allows the state to issue drivers licenses to illegal immigrants appears to be dead in the special session of the legislature.
"This is the time when New Mexico really shines. Santa Fe just had its fiestas, the State Fair is ongoing, and roasting green chile can be enjoyed at nearly every produce shop and grocery."
Fall in New Mexico. This is why we live here. A co-worker said this today, and it has stuck with me.
Interested in what's been going on at NM's Special Session? See Matt Reichbach's updates at clearlynewmexico.com.

www.KOB.comA lawsuit forced Albuquerque Public School’s to change its student arrest policies after a middle school boy was sent to jail for burping in class.

www.KOB.comLawmakers are struggling to end a special legislative session dominated by partisan conflict over plans to draw new boundaries of districts for elected offices.

archive.constantcontact.comA wide range of panelists, from across New Mexico will represent the various fields of industry, government, and research laboratories.
Wells Fargo finances $200m solar project in New Mexico http://bit.ly/ogAH8R
53.5-megawatt multi-site solar project for developer SunEdison #GallupSolar Wells Fargo committed and has already invested approximately $2.2 billion in renewable energy projects since 2006, including funding for 35 wind projects and over 220 solar projects in 26 states.
Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) and SunEdison LLC, a subsidiary of MEMC Electronic Materials (NYSE:WFR), held a ceremony yesterday in Carlsbad, NM, to announce the activation of the first three of five solar power plants in the project.
Southern NM #solar has promise #GreenChamber event to educate community, businesses http://bit.ly/qO5dXi
#GallupSolar However, the New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce is looking to make another green just as popular – (as Green Chile) green building, green businesses and green living.
New Mexico has been rated second best of the 50 states for solar power potential; behind Arizona however, in regard to capitalizing on this usage, the state falls next to last.

Online home of The Las Cruces Bulletin, a 20,000-circulation weekly community newspaper serving the greater Las Cruces area in southern New Mexico.
Solar power plants come online in southern #NM/The Denver Post/ http://bit.ly/qLWHLt
#PRS #GallupSolar Why not build in Gallup NM? The solar plants will help Xcel continue meeting New Mexico's renewable energy portfolio standard, which requires regulated utilities to meet 15 percent of electricity needs with renewable resources by 2015. The standard will increase to 20 percent by 2020.

CARLSBAD, N.M.—Three new solar power plants are up and running in southeastern New Mexico. Xcel Energy, SunEdison and state and local officials gathered at one of the plants near Carlsbad on Thursday to celebrate the activation.
By Bernie Digman • Commentary • I’d been thinking of leaving my party for a long time, but held on hope that with just a little more time it would regain some of the standards and principles and ethics it once claimed were bedrocks of its foundation.
By Gary King • Commentary • In a series of editorial articles, the Albuquerque Journal has been critical of the Attorney General’s Office for pursuing our legal rights under the Inspection of Public Records Act. Most recently our actions were called absurd.

By Heath Haussamen • News • The first 2011 special session of the New Mexico Legislature ended Saturday with no deals on at least most redistricting plans and a looming court battle.

www.KOB.com8 Murders a Day, shows how the drug trade pushed the border community to become the murder capital of the world.

www.KOB.comMore than 600 cyclists pedaled down Route 66 to remember those lost and provide awareness to make roads safer.